What did we read? What are we currently reading?
* updated on 13.02.2025
actively updated lists: Vida, Aljaž, Elena
- AAVV, Falling In: Movement and Becoming in Curatorial Research (2024, Mousse)
- Olivia Laing, The Garden Against Time (2024, Picador)
- Adriana Cavarero, Nonostante Platone (2023, Castelvecchi)
- Anna Colin, Alternative Pedagogical Spaces: From Utopia to Institutionalization (2025, Sternberg Press)
– Janelle Rebel, Bibliographic Performances & Surrogate Readings (2024, The Everyday Press)
– Elvia Wilk, Oval (2022, Peninsula Press) - currently reading
- Yoko Tawada, Eksofonija ali poti iz materinščine (2003/2024, LUD Literatura)
- Italo Calvino, Baron na drevesu (1957/2010, Beletrina)
- Antonio Negri, The Savage Anomaly: The Power of Spinoza's Metaphysics and Politics (1981/1991, University of Minnesota Press)
- Gilles Deleuze, Spinoza. Praktična filozofija (1970/2012, Krtina)
- Gilles Deleuze in Félix Guattari, Kafka: Za manjšinsko književnost (1975/1995, LUD Literatura)
- Annalisa Metta, Il paesaggio è un mostro (2022, Derive e Approdi)
- Stefano Mancuso, Fitopolis, la città vivente (2023, Laterza)
- Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Kafka. Per una letteratura minore (2017, Quodlibet)
- Paolo Barbaro, Ultime isole (2022, wetlands)
- (a cura di) Emanuele Piccardo, Giancarlo De Carlo: l'architetto di Urbino (2019, plug_in)
- (edited by) Marjolein van der Loo, A Tree, A Reader on Arboreal Kinship (2024, Onomatopee 258)
- Tim Ingold, Making (2013, Raffaello Cortina Editore) - currently reading
- Sara Ahmed, The Feminist Killjoy Handbook (2023, Allen Lane)
- Jeanne van Heeswijk, Maria Hlavajova, Rachel Rakes (eds.), Toward the Not-Yet: Art as Public Practice (2021, BAK)
- Lola Olufemi, Experiments in Imagining Otherwise (2021, Hajar Press)
- adrienne maree brown, Emergent Strategy (2017, AK Press)
- AAVV, Architectures of Healing (2021, Kyklada press)
- Maggie Nelson, The Argonauts (2015, Melville house)
- Maggie Nelson, Bluets (2017, Penguin Books)
- Vinciane Despret, Living as a Bird (2021, Polity Press)
- AAVV, Dancing Under the Vines, Gala Fest Almanac (2023, GALA)
- Sebastiano Ghisu, Alessandro Mongili (Eds.), Filosofia de logu: Decolonizzare il pensiero e la ricerca in Sardegna (2021, Meltemi)
- Lucia Palladino, Entrare nel bosco (2023, NERO)
- Liza Prins, Bitter-Swiet: A Tiny Mulder Inquiry in Word and Voice (2023, n.k.g. publications)
- Rosi Braidotti, Posthuman Feminism (2022, Polity Press)
- Maggie Nelson, On Freedom: Four Songs of Care and Constraint (2022, Vintage) - abandoned halfaway
- Elvia Wilk, Death by Landscape (2022, Soft Skull)
- Max Liboiron, Pollution is Colonialism (2021, Duke University Press)
- Mireille Gansel, Translation as Transhumance (2017, Les Fugitives)
- AAVV, Cristina Campo: Translation/Commentary (2021, Glossator: Practice and Theory of the Commentary)
- Reader of the Academy of Margins' summer school 2024 (find it here)
- Reader of the Academy of Margins' summer school 2023 (find it here)
- Katherine McKittrick, Dear Science and Other Stories (2021, Duke University Press)
- Isabelle Fremeaux, Jay Jordan, We Are 'Nature' Defending Itself (2021, Pluto Press)
- Jackie Wang, Carceral Capitalism (2018, Semiotext(e))
abandoned half-way thorough, maybe, hopefully, to be finished:
- Alex Ross, Il resto è rumore. Ascoltando il XX secolo (2007, Bompiani)
- Maggie Nelson, On Freedom: Four Songs of Care and Constraint (2022, Vintage)
- Lea Kuhar, Materializem brez materije: Marxova teorija predmetov (2023, Sophia)
- Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, Decolonising the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature (1986, Heinemann Educational)
- Oxana Timofeeva, Zgodovina živali (2019, Maska)
- Maggie Nelson, Bluets (2017, Penguin Books)
- Manuel De Landa, A Thousand Years of Nonlinear Histroy (1997, Zone Books)
- Bruno Latour, Prizemljitev: Politična usmeritev za Novi podzemni režim (2018, Studia Humanitatis)
- Emmanuele Coccia, The Life of Plants: A Metaphysics of Mixture (2018, Polity)
- Michael Pollan, The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World (2001, Random House)
- Stefano Mancuso, The Nation of Plants (2021, Other Press)
- Stefano Mancuso, Alessandra Viola, Brilliant Green: The Surprising History and Science of Plant Intelligence (2015, Island Press)
- Ben Woodard, Slime Dynamics (2012, Zero Books)
- Timothy Morton, Humankind (2017, Verso Books)
- Ajda Bračič, Leteči ljudje (2022, LUD Literatura)
- Bernhard Waldenfels, Želo tujega (1998, Nova revija)
- Bruno Latour, Nikoli nismo bili moderni (1991/2021, Studia humanitatis)
- Sara Ahmed, Queer Phenomenology (2006, Duke University Press)
- Jay Jordan and Isabelle Fremeaux, We Are 'Nature' Defending Itself (2021, Pluto Press)
- Marshall Sahlins, The New Science of the Enchanted (2022, Princeton University Press)
- Peter Burke, Kulturna hibridnost (2009/2020, Studia Humanitatis)
- Vilém Flusser, Vampyroteuthis Infernalis (2012, University of Minnesota press)
- Giovanni Aloi and Michael Marder (eds.), Vegetal Entwinements in Philosophy and Art (2023, MIT Press)
- Nora Sternfeld and Grégoire Rousseau, Radio as Radical Education (2024, Station of Commons)
- lumbung radio and Miss Read (eds.), Waves: Radio as Collective Imagination (2024, Miss Read)
- Jacques Derrida, Bela mitologija: Metafora v filozofskem besedili (1972/2011, Hyperion)
- Sarah Kofman, Nietzsche and Metaphor (1983/1993, Stanford University Press)
- Georgi Gospodinov, Naravni roman (2005, Beletrina)
- Olga Tokarczuk, Empuzij (2022/2024, Cankarjeva založba)
- Soetsu Yanagi, The Beauty of Everyday Things (2017, Penguin Books)
- Byung-Chul Han, Elogio della terra (2022, nottetempo)
- Carlo Rovelli, Buchi bianchi. Dentro l'orizzonte (2023, Adelphi)
- Vito Teti, Pietre di pane. Un'antropologia del restare (2011, Quodlibet)
- Timothy Morton, Ecologia come testo, testo come ecologia (2023, Krisis Publishing)
- Paolo Cognetti (a cura di), New York Stories (2015, Einaudi)
- William Kentridge, Sei lezioni di disegno (2018, Johan & Levi Editore)
- Chiara Valerio, La matematica è politica (2020, Einaudi)
- Elisabetta Rattalino, German A. Duarte, Andrea Facchetti (a cura di), Soils Matter. Intersezioni tra arte e scienza (2023, bruno)
- Andrea Pinotti, Il primo libro di teoria dell'immagine (2024, Einaudi)
- Anna Castelli, Franco La Cecla, Scambiarsi le arti (2022, Bompiani)
- Giorgio Agamben, L'aperto. L'uomo e l'animale (2019, Bollati Boringhieri editore)
- Vito Teti, La restanza (2022, Einaudi)
- Giuseppe Di Giacomo, La bellezza abbandonata (2021, Il Mulino)
- Silvia Federici, Calibano e la strega (2015, Mimesis) - currently reading
- Sara De Simone, Nessuna come lei (2023, Neri Pozza) - currently reading
- Jude Ellison Sady Doyle, Spezzate. Perché ci piace quando le donne sbagliano (2022, Tlon) - currently reading
- Ruben Pater, CAPS LOCK (2021, Valiz) - currently reading
- Sally Rooney, Beautiful World, Where Are You? (2021, Faber) - currently reading
- Nadia Fusini, Un anno con Virginia Wolf (2021, Neri Pozza) - currently reading
- Thea Lenarduzzi, Dandelions (2022, Fitzcarraldo) - currently reading
- Caitlin Desilvey, Curated Decay. Heritage beyond saving (2017, University of Minnesota Press)
- Andreas Malm, How to blow up a pipeline (2021, Verso books)
- Anna L. Tsing, The Mushroom at the End of the World (2015, Princeton Press)
- bell hooks, All About Love: new visions (2001, Harper Collins)
- Édouard Glissant, Poetics of Relation (1997, University of Michigan Press)
- Gloria Anzaldua, Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza (1987, Aunt Lute Books)
- Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass (2020, Penguin Books)
- Anne-Laure Franchette, Jose Caceres Mardones, Gabriel N. Gee (eds.), Mobile Soils (2021, Teti Press)
- Nick Axel, Daniel A. Barber, Nikolaus Hirsch (eds.), Accumulation: The Art, Architecture and Media of Climate Change (2022, e-flux)
- Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Pidginization as Curatorial Method (Sternberg Press, 2023)
- Zdenka Badovinac, Unannounced Voices: Curatorial Practice and Changing Institutions (Sternberg Press, 2022)
- Stefano Harney, Fred Moten, The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning and Black Studies (2013, Minor Compositions)
- Oxana Timofeeva, How to Love a Homeland? (2020, Kayfa ta)
- Alex Martinis Roe, To Become Two, Propositions for Feminist Collective Practice (2018, Archive books)
- Adriana Cavarero, Inclinazioni: critica della rettitudine (2013, Raffaello Cortina Editore)
abandoned half-way thorough, maybe, hopefully, to be finished:
- Kohei Saito, Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism: Capital, Nature, and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy (2017, Publisher Monthly Review Press)
- Yasmine Ostendorf-Rodríguez, Let's Become Fungal! Mycelium Teaching and the Arts (2023, Valiz)
- Carla Lonzi, Autoritratto (2019, Abscondita)
- Andreas Malm, How to Blow Up a Pipeline (2021, Verso Books)
- Brian Dillon, In the Dark Room (2005/2022, Fitzcarraldo Editions)
- Stefano Harney, Fred Moten, The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study (2016, Minor Compositions)
- Donna Haraway, Opice, kiborgi, ženske: reinvencija narave (1999, Beletrina)
- Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks (1952/2021, Penguin Books)
- Andreas Malm, The Progress of this Storm (2018, Verso Books)
- Sezgin Boynik (ed.), Punk Suprematism: Rastko Močnik, Slavoj Žižek, Zoja Sušek (2021, Rab-Rab Press)
- Slavoj Žižek, Krhki absolut: Enajst tez o krščanstvu in marksizmu danes (2000, Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo)
- Gloria Anzaldua, Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza (1987, Aunt Lute Books)
- Brian Dillon, Affinities (2023, Fitzcarraldo Editions)
- Miha Kozorog et al., Meja: Antropološki uvidi (2022, Založba ZRC)
- Michael Marder, Plant-Thinking: A Philosophy of Vegetal Life (2013, Columbia University Press)
- Jernej Šček, Kavarna Italija (2023, Založništvo tržaškega tiska)
- Maja Zadel, Transkulturnost v objemu nacionalizma (2020, Annales ZRS)
- Tim Ingold, Siamo linee, per un'ecologia delle relazioni sociali (2020, Treccani)
- John Berger, Confabulations (2016, Penguin books)
- Johan Wolfgang von Goethe, La metamorfosi delle piante (2008, Guanda)
- Luigi Ghirri, Niente di antico sotto il sole. Scritti e interviste (2021, Quodlibet)
- John Ruskin, Gli elementi del disegno (2009, Adelphi)
- John Newling, Dear Nature, (2020, Beam Editions)
- Stefano Mancuso, La pianta del mondo (2020, Laterza)
- Paolo D'Angelo, Il paesaggio: teorie, storie, luoghi (2021, Laterza)
- Robert Walser, La passeggiata (2022, Adephi)
- Boris Groys, Filosofia della cura (2023, Timeo)
- Philip Perkis, Insegnare fotografia. Note raccolte (2018, Skinnerbook)
- Helen Lewis, Donne Difficili (2021, Blackie)
- Paul Auster, 4 3 2 1 (2017, Einaudi)
- Clarice Lispector, Acqua viva (2017, Adephi)
- Beatrice Slavioni, La Malnata (2023, Einaudi)
- Marco Belpoliti, Gianluigi Ricuperati, Saul Stainberg (2005, Marcos y Marcos)
- Ettore Sottsass, Scritto di notte (2010, Adelphi)
- Susan Glaspell, Una giuria di sole donne (2022, Sellerio)
- Annemarie Wadlow, women looking at women looking at women (2022, Page Not Found) - currently reading
- Annie Ernaux, Gli anni (2015, Le Orme)
- Dizz Tate, Bestie (2023, Neri Pozza)
- Angela Devis, Aboliamo le prigioni? (2022, Minimum fax)
- Ilan Pappe, Dieci miti sulla Palestina (2022, Tamu)
- Ilan Pappe, La prigione più grande del mondo. Storia dei territori occupati (2022, Fazi Editore)
- Pauline Oliveros, Quantum Listening (2022, Ignota)
- Annalisa Metta, Il paesaggio è un mostro (2022, Derive e Approdi)
- Gilly Karjevsky & Rosario Talevi (Eds.), Climate Care Reader 2021 (2021, Climate Care festival)
- Kim Lang, Francesca Lucchitta, Vida Rucli (Eds.), DIY big reader (2021, diy)
- Jane Rendell, Site-writing – the Architecture of Art Criticism (2010, I.B. Tauris)
- Silvia Federici, Beyond the Periphery of the Skin (2020, Kairos)
- Srećko Horvat, Radicality of Love (2015, Polity Press)
- Janneke Wesseling & Florian Cramer (Eds.), Making Matters (2022, Valiz)
- Markus Bader, George Kafka, Tatjana Schneider, Rosario Talevi (Eds.), Making Futures (2022, Spector Books)
- Jane Rendell, Art and Architecture: A place between (2007, I.B. Tauris)
- Federico Campagna, The Last Night: Anti-Work, Atheism, Adventure (2013, Zero Books)
- Grant Hamilton, The World of Failing Machines: Speculative Realism and Literature (2016, Zero Books)
- Timothy Morton, Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology After the End of the World (2013, University of Minnesota Press)
- Georgi Gospodinov, Fizika žalosti (2015, Beletrina)
- Michael Marder, Dump Philosophy: A Phenomenology of Devastation (2020, Bloomsbury Publishing)
- Michael Marder, Green Mass: The Ecological Theology of St. Hildegard of Bingen (2021, Stanford University Press)
- Jennifer Teets (Ed.), Electric Brine (2021, Archive Books)
- Art Without Death: Conversations on Russian Cosmism (2017, Sternberg Press)
- Paolo Rumiz, Kot konji, ki spijo stoje (2016, Modrijan)
- Paolo Rumiz, Kutina iz Carigrada (2010/2021, založba Audiobook)
- Oxana Timofeeva, Solar Politics (2022, Wiley)
- Robert Musil, L'uomo senza qualità (1956, Einaudi)
- Bruno Munari, Arte come mestiere (2022, Laterza)
- John Gray, Filosofia felina (2020, Rizzoli)
- Ettore Sottsass, Per qualcuno può essere lo spazio (2017, Adelphi)
- Goliarda Sapienza, Scrittura dell'anima nuda (2022, Einaudi)
- Manlio Brusatin, Storia delle linee (1993, Einaudi)
- Victor I. Stoichita, Breve storia dell'ombra (2015, Il Saggiatore)
- Roberto Calasso, L'impronta dell'editore (2013, Adelphi)
- Miranda July, The First Bad Man (2015, Canongate Books)
- bell hooks, Maria Nadotti, L'elogio del margine/scrivere al buio (2018, Thau)
- Riccardo Falcinelli, Figure (2020, Einaudi)
- Simone de Beauvoir, Quando tutte le donne del mondo (1982, Einaudi)
- Jenny Odell, Come non fare niente (2021, Hoepli)
- Sara De Bondt, Fraser Muddgeridge, The Form of the Book Book (2020, Occasional Papers)
- J. E. S. Doyle, Il mostruoso femminile (2021, Edizioni Tlon)
- Gaston Piger, Signorina anarchia (2021, Ortica Editrice)
- Edoardo Albinati, La scuola cattolica (2016, Bur Rizzoli)
- Rachele Borghi, Decolonialità e privilegio (2020, Meltemi)
- Raymond Carver, Il mestiere di scrivere (1997, Einaudi)
- Hanya Yanagihara, A Little Life (2015, Picador)
- Sally Rooney, Beautiful World, Where Are You? (2021, Faber)
- Annie Ernaux, Memoria di ragazza (2016, L’Orma)
- Vincenzo Latronico, Le perfezioni (2022, Bompiani)
- Eleonora Marangoni, Paris, s'il vous plait (2022, Einaudi)
- D. Hunter, Chav. Solidarietà coatta (2020, Alegre)
- Jonathan Bazzi, Febbre (2020, Fandango)
- Emmanuel Carrère, Yoga (2020, POL)
- Anne Pauly, Avant que j'oublie (2020, Verdier)
- Goran Marković, Beograjski trio (2021, Mladinska knjiga)
- Noëmi Lerch, Kmetica (2018, Litera)
- Dino Pešut, Očetov sinko (2022, Beletrina)
- Mateja Gomboc, Balada o drevesu (2021, Miš založba)
- Brit Bennet, Razblinjajoča se polovica (Hiša knjig, 2021)
- Pavla Horàkovà, Teorija čudnosti (2021, Sanje)
- George Monbiot, Naprej K Naravi : V Iskanju Očaranosti Na Mejah Ponovne Naturalizacije (2014, Krtina)
- Muriel Barbery, Eleganca ježa (2010, Mladinska knjiga)
- Marlies De Munck en Pascal Gielen, Fragility, To Touch and Be Touched (2022, Valiz)
- Italo Calvino, The Narrative of Trajan’s Column (2013, Penguin)