Radio Robida

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Ajda Bračič in Topolove x Radio drugega

O prahu in drugih materialnostih / On dust and other materialities

Dustsceawung (staroangleško): zatopljenost v dejstvo, da je bil prah nekoč nekaj drugega - mestno obzidje, poveljnik straže, knjiga, mogočno drevo: prah je zadnji cilj vsakega potovanja. Takšna zatopljenost lahko pomaga omiliti pritisk tuzemskih poželenj.

Če beremo arhitekturo kot proces, ne pa kot nespremenljiv objekt, ta proizvaja svojevrstne materialnosti, ki se izmikajo predvidenemu redu in so v svoji naravi transformativne. Serija petih oddaj se ukvarja s stranskimi proizvodi kolektivnih interakcij s prostorom: prahom, pepelom, plesnijo in patino, ter obravnava te pojave skozi prizme njihove snovne strukture, njihove časovne odvisnosti, njihovega odvečnega značaja in ideje o njihovi kolektivnosti.

O prahu in drugih materialnostih bo serija radijskih epizod
Avtorica: Ajda Bračič

Dustsceawung (Old English): contemplation of the fact that dust used to be other things – the walls of a city, the chief of the guards, a book, a great tree: dust is always the ultimate destination. Such contemplation may loosen the grip of our worldly desires.

If architecture is read as a process instead of an unchangeable object, it produces unique materialities which denounce the predicted order and are transformative in their nature. This series of five radio episodes examines some of the byproducts of collective interactions with space: dust, ash, mold and patina, by contemplating their material structure, their temporal nature, their redundant character and the idea of their collectiveness.

On dust and other materialities will be a radio series
Author: Ajda Bračič

The radio show is part of Radio drugega platform, a project of the Robida Collective, co-financed by the public institute GO! 2025 - European capital of culture, Nova Gorica.